Jon Musselwhite

IT Specialist / Tech Researcher

Jon Musselwhite, an IT Specialist and Tech Researcher, is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science at Howard University in Washington, DC.

Research Interests

Jon's primary research focus revolves around enhancing energy efficiency in redundant real-time systems. Beyond that, he also delves into elevating user experience in open-source software through human-centered design and strengthening the cybersecurity of blockchain-based election systems.

Certifications and Memberships

In addition to being a Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM), Jon is a member of both the IEEE and PMI.

Hobbies and Volunteer Work

In his moments of respite, Jon has enjoyed being a volunteer photographer for The Hilltop student newspaper and the Rugby Club at Howard University. He also shares some of his favorite pictures of still life, animals, sports, and live music on his photography website.